Mayport, Florida Council ~ P.O. Box 331944, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 ~

February 18, 2025

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Naval Sea Cadets


Mayport Navy League is a recognized non-profit organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.  Contributions are tax deductible as otherwise provided by law.

Official U.S. Navy Photo Official U.S. Navy Photo Official U.S. Navy Photo Official U.S. Navy Photo Official U.S. Navy Photo

Sea Cadet Graduation - January 22, 2022

On Saturday, 22 January, our Mayport Sea Cadet Division held a graduation ceremony inside the Mayport Chief Petty Officers Club.  The ceremony, led by Sea Cadet Division Commanding Officer, Major Peck, USA (Ret.), was arranged by several of the parents who are US Navy Chief Petty Officers! This graduation recognized the accomplishments of 13 cadets who had participated in recent trainings but whose graduation ceremonies were cancelled due to COVID concerns.  It was a great Navy Day for the Sea Cadets and their families!

Our Mayport Navy League Council President, Brian Kennedy, keyed his remarks off of Sea Cadet Chief Petty Officer Bowles' comments about the importance of setting goals - this is what a successful life is all about - setting goals and going after them!

The graduation was followed by a buffet luncheon for the Sea Cadets - and we all know how youngsters love a chance at a good buffet!  Again - a great Navy Day.
Mayport Navy League - Sea Cadet Graduation - January 22, 2022Mayport Navy League - Sea Cadet Graduation - January 22, 2022Mayport Navy League - Sea Cadet Graduation - January 22, 2022Mayport Navy League - Sea Cadet Graduation - January 22, 2022Mayport Navy League - Sea Cadet Graduation - January 22, 2022Mayport Navy League - Sea Cadet Graduation - January 22, 2022Mayport Navy League - Sea Cadet Graduation - January 22, 2022Mayport Navy League - Sea Cadet Graduation - January 22, 2022Mayport Navy League - Sea Cadet Graduation - January 22, 2022Mayport Navy League - Sea Cadet Graduation - January 22, 2022Mayport Navy League - Sea Cadet Graduation - January 22, 2022

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